Report Your Experiences to UNITED SIKHS

Turban Screening: Report Your Experiences to UNITED SIKHS

Since EC Regulation 185/2010 came into force on 29 April 2010, the rules on the searching of religious head wear at airports have changed. The airport securities within the EU can now demand turbans and other religious head wear to be removed regardless of passing through the necessary security checks without alarming security devices.

In order to help us stop this violation of human rights, we need you to report any incident you or someone you know has experienced, in the form below. Thank you.

    Fields marked with ( * ) are mandatory Please select one of the choices *

    Your Name*

    Address Line 1 *

    Address Line 2 *

    Country *

    State/Province *

    City *

    Postal / Zip Code *

    Phone Number *

    Email Address *

    Is the person whose turban screening experience you are reporting a Sikh?

    Did the arched metal detector alarm go off during the experience?*

    Did they use a hand held metal detector (wand) over the turban?*

    Did the hand held metal detector alarm go off?*

    Did the security personnel ask for the turban to be untied or removed? *

    Was the turban removed? *

    Did the security personnel provide a private room for patting down the turban? *

    Did the security personnel provide a private room for untying the turban? *

    How did the security personnel pat down the turban?

    Did the turban screening procedure affect travel plans?

    if yes, how?

    Was the turban screening procedure objected to?

    If yes, what were the grounds given for the objection

    How did the security personnel react to the objection to the turban screening procedure?

    How would you rate the security personnel conducting the turban screening procedure? *


    Was the identity of the security personnel established?

    If yes, Security personnel's name :

    Badge Number :

    How would you rate the experience you are narrating?*

    Other comments and suggestions for improving turban screening procedures in airports or any outstanding thoughts on the situation.