Join Advocacy & Humanitarian Aid Academy-BE ONE OF THEM and Make the Difference

Washington DC, USA: Academy session – JULY 7 -12, 2019: CLICK HERE TO APPLY NOW!
Dear Supporter Ji,
I am writing to you today as a UNITED SIKHS Advocacy & Humanitarian Aid Academy graduate. I wanted to share with all of you the amazing experiences I had as an academy student and as an intern with UNITED SIKHS as well as the amazing opportunities that have come my way since graduating.

Five years ago, I began my legal career with UNITED SIKHS. The organization offered me several opportunities to gain legal experiences as well as advocacy opportunities. I initially started working as an intern for Anisha Singh, a former Policy Advocate and UNITED SIKHS attorney. Working directly under Anisha in our nation’s capital, I learned so much about the hard work that is required in order to advocate and defend for the rights of innocent people who have been wrongfully accused. I spent my first professional summer watching a group of enthusiastic and passionate advocates work day and night trying to make even the smallest impact on the lives of Sikh-Americans.

Sikh youth talk to you about their experience at the UNITED SIKHS Advocacy and Humanitarian Aid Academy here!
As a part of my internship I was also given the opportunity to be a part of the prestigious UNITED SIKHS’ Advocacy & Humanitarian Aid Advocacy Academy (AAHA) and annual Sikh Summit. In just a week I was able to engage with members of Congress, DOJ, USAID, the director of NAACP Hilary Shelton, and many more. The academy also taught me proper ways of policy advocating and lobbying on Capitol Hill, and afforded me much guidance as I pursued a path to law school.
The work done by the organization’s team inspired me to pursue a similar career. Since my experience at AHAA, I have pursued my dream of completing law school, interning with the United Nations and working as a legal intern with the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General. I am happy to announce that this summer I will be working with U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which has always been my dream job. Achieving my dreams without the initial start to my career at UNITED SIKHS would have been near to impossible. My experiences with UNITED SIKHS have impacted my life in so many ways; I am forever grateful for those opportunities.
There are not enough words to express my gratitude towards this incredible organization. I hope that you too will take action and get involved with UNITED SIKHS, in any way you can. I put my full faith in the work done by the UNITED SIKHS team and implore you to donate to them today. I encourage all youth interested in policy making, advocacy or law to consider attending this academy; it is truly a life changing experience.
Support UNITED SIKHS today so they can continue to inspire young leaders and help them follow their dreams.
In Chardi Kala,
Sharon Sidhu
J.D. Candidate 2020
Intern and AAHA Graduate