Small Business Owners Give your employees Health Insurance Coverage Options as a Small Business Owner

Dated: June 21, 2017

New York, NY : Are you a small business owner looking to save money? UNITED SIKHS may be able to help! The organization is currently helping New York area business owners save on health insurance for their employees.

Here’s how. UNITED SIKHS is offering NY business owners free assistance with the New York State of Health Small Business Marketplace. The Small Business Marketplace is setup to enable business owners to provide affordable, high quality health coverage for their employees.

Since its launch in 2013, the New York State of Health Marketplace has provided affordable coverage to millions of eligible New Yorkers. With multiple options, and group enrollment processes, the Small Business Marketplace allows employers to enroll conveniently. There is no minimum employee participation requirement and no minimum employer contribution required.

    • To be eligible to enroll in the Small Business Marketplace, your business or organization must have:
    • a physical business address within New York State
    • 100 or fewer FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) employees
    • at least one common-law employee ENROLLED in coverage
    • coverage through the Small Business Marketplace to all eligible employees who work 30 or more hours per week
    • authorization to purchase health insurance coverage on behalf of this business for eligible employees
    • Business owners can:
    • Offer multiple health and dental plans at a variety of price points to meet your employee’s needs.
    • Get Small Business Health Care Tax Credit for qualified employers that can cover as much as 50% of the your contribution toward employee premium costs, provided they qualify.
    • Have the flexibility to define the coverage tier and the contribution level.
    • Benefit from convenient billing options:One account, online enrollment and one monthly bill.
    • Receive information and enrollment assistance from trained and certified brokers, agents and navigators.

To get started, you need:
Your employer identification number (EIN)
Employee details including DOB, SSN, and email addresses.


Contact us for more information or in person assistance? We’re here to help! Contact us at 718-441-6644 or email us at ceed-usa@unitedsikhs.org.


Please watch our videos and subscribe to our You Tube channel at UNITEDSIKHSTV and follow us our social media Facebook | Twitter | Blog and see how your contribution is making a difference.

Issued by:
Rucha Kaur
Associate Director,UNITED SIKHS
Community Education & Empowerment Directorate
E: contact@unitedsikhs.org | ceed-usa@unitedsikhs.org

*Information compiled from: https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov/
Information is provided with support from Access Health NYC, a citywide initiative that enables culturally- and linguistically-competent non-profit community-based organizations (CBOs) in all 5 boroughs to do outreach and public education in their communities about options for health care access and coverage, particularly for the uninsured. The Access Health NYC Initiative, in partnership with the NY City Council, is spearheaded by 5 New York City agencies, the Coalition for Asian American Children and Families, Commission on the Public’s Health System, Community Service Society of NY, Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, and the New York Immigration Coalition.